Our maintenance personnel and procedures are the most responsive and professional in the Highland Lakes. We know how important it is to respond quickly to the maintenance and repair needs of our residents. We see the resident as a customer as well as you, our owners. Our goal is to provide you, our owners, and your residents with superior service. Our residents can now submit their maintenance request “online” or by phone. The added convenience of submitting their maintenance “online” is part of our continuing efforts to streamline the maintenance request process. If they are happy in their home, chances are they will stay longer. And if you have lower turnover and reduced expenses, then you are happier and will keep your property with us. This is accomplished in various ways.
In-House maintenance personnel – This is a benefit to our owners for two reasons. First, our own staffs are typically less expensive than other service contractors. Secondly, our experienced maintenance personnel can respond to maintenance requests more quickly than could an outside contractor. TJM’s maintenance policy is to respond to a resident request within 24 to 48 hours (unless it is an emergency). If we are unable to respond within the allotted time we call the resident to explain the reason for the delay. Additionally, our maintenance personnel provide an extra set of eyes when visiting a property. This insures that we learn quickly which of our tenants are not properly caring for their rental property.
- Available to handle emergencies 24 hours a day – TJM’s Management are “on call” to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our state of the art phone system enables the caller to contact “on call personnel” at any time of the day or night. Additionally, many of our outside vendors have agreed to respond to our call after hours if they are needed.
- TJM maintenance vans available to handle small or large repairs – TJM maintains its own fleet of maintenance vans to give our own personnel the ability to respond to your resident’s needs at a moments notice. Many or our resident’s maintenance calls are small, insignificant issues that can be resolved in just a few minutes with the replacement of a small part, the turn of a screwdriver, or the twist of a pair of pliers. We stock our maintenance vans with a comprehensive set of tools and a supply of the most frequently replaced maintenance parts. This saves time and money, and results in faster response time than if we depended solely on outside services to respond to every call.
- TJM maintains its own warehouse of parts and equipment – TJM maintains its own complete warehouse full of all the parts and equipment needed to properly respond to the maintenance and repair needs of our properties and customers. This gives us the ability to buy frequently used replacement parts in bulk, thereby saving our client a great deal of money. Things like air conditioner filters, light bulbs, toilet and faucet parts, spackle, touch up paint, etc. In addition, we maintain all the tools and equipment needed to respond to these same needs. This includes ladders, water extraction equipment, carpet drying fans, and vacuum cleaners. These tools can be used to keep small maintenance issues from becoming big insurance issues and major expenses for the owners. Many times, all it takes is a quick response with some of this equipment to correct the problem and satisfy the resident.
- Extensive list of loyal and dependable support service companies and personnel – TJM has aligned itself with a small group of very dependable and reputable support companies in the area. These fine companies have been doing business with TJM for many years, and know that we send them most, if not all of our business, and that we pay them on time and in full. Because of this, they are very loyal to TJM and respond quickly to our maintenance and repair needs. We can depend on them to be there for our residents at most any time of the night or day.